The nice decor one may find inside the restaurant
We were actually on the way back from Chatuchak Market after spending like 4 solid hours there. Gosh ... 3 of them are real shoppers... I helped them carrying the excess bags.. he he. When we reach this restaurant, we were really in hungry state. Mak Yah Restaurant is easily accesible from the BTS line (Ratchadewi Station). Dr. Asri Rangga (cardiologist Serdang Hospital), Dr Norli (HUKM) and Dr Fauzi (Kuala Pilah) were there joining the dinner... and Dr Asri decided to treat us that night.. well thanks Asri.
This what we had on that dinner....again thank you Asri...(nanti boleh belanja lagi..he he)
Do try visit this restaurant if you are in Bangkok and it has 2 stories that can accomodate about 80 people at one time. Most of the workers here can speak Bahasa fluently because they hailed from Pattani province area. You ll be entertain by the golden Malay oldies like Jamal Abdillah, Aishah and others thorugh the speaker....mmmmm . This is the full address... (kak ... i dah promote ni,,nanti kasi free tau !!!)
hye doktor..
dr keja hukm ye?
nyum nyum.......mula2 bacakan doc, su ingat mak nyah!hahahhaha....doc nway nak komen psl berat bdn doc yg hilang tu...WOW-->dgn mulut terlopong n rs kagum yg amat sgt!!!
its MAK YAH,not MAK NYAH?..hahaha..i hampir silap baca....wakakaka
wow, the food look so yummy! esp the green curry! *hungry
next time gi bangkok pasti ku cuba! ;)
terliur la tgk makanan kat blog syuk ni..isk3
alahai Dr Syuk... ambik gambo tu, senyum2 ler sket... bertambah2 le seri, kan... hehe... depan rezeki tuh, senyum tanda hepi, lagi rezeki dtg bergolek2...
ni yang aku nak pi thailand nih...passport dah ada...Mak Yah!!!tunggu aku..!!!
Seronok nye department ko ni merata2 dapat jalan pegi conference. Department aku jangan mimpi lah. Drug talk & makan2 free kat hotel pun setahun sekali aje kot :-(
Yuzzz : thanks for dropping by... ye memang saya kerja di sana...
Sue : memang mula mula tu pun ingat cenggitu juga Sue....tapi betul betul sebut dengan tepat..
Nora Sakura : opssss awas Nora.. jgn tersalah yer....
Wahdi : cubalah Wahdi..... alamat dia pun dah tertera.... makan makan.. the green curry quite nice.
Wahidah : selagi boleh makan ... wahidah tetapi pastikan berkhasiat
Kembara Musafir : Dah cuba senyum ler...tapi ntah la tak mahu pulak... i am a funny person actually..tapi kalau mula kenal seseorang tu memang segan sikit (shy shy cat) tetapi lepas dah jumpa banyak kali atau close cam lawak keluar.. he he
Axim : hang pi Axim jangan tak pi... nak aku jadi tourist guide kaaaa ???
Shah : Memang seronok Shah ... tambah dah habis exam ni... bulan 8 pun dah confirm sponsor dengan bulan 10 nanti ..course lagi..mmmmm
dr..u should smile more dalam pic..coz in real life u r so friendly :D
glad to know u :)
wow.... looks cool.... :D
sib baik diorang boleh cakap bahasa yek.. takde le cam cakap ayam dan itik..
the food looks awesome..!
nak kena carik ni..
axim, kalau ko gi.. ajak kak putu sekali tau.. kita serang restoren mak yah tu ramai-ramai..heheheh.....
sedapnya tgk (dpt tgk jee..) curry tuh nampak sedap gila lah...kalau ku ke BKK pasti aku nak pi mkana sini,,,.
ehm...karang mlm ni aku mimpi Mak Yah..mak Yah oh Mak yah...wait for me..huhuh
thanks for the info... senang lah sikit kalau kami nak ke sana nanti...
Inah : thanks Inah.. i wish i could smile more... but i dunno why in front of the camera.. people said i look arrogant.. did I ??? Glad to finally meet u too
Lady VAnity : it is damn cool la friend..
Putubambu : serang serang jangan tak serang... kaya lah Mak Yah tu lepas ni.
Catz : yess catz mak yah memang best...
Bm : yeah pergi lah kesana ..enjoy tau..makan Thai yang best
I love Tom Yum Goong! The best Tom Yum is still in Thailand.....
makanan nampak sgt sedap hehe...
mula2 baca igtkan maknyah! hehe rupanya mak yah hehe..
bangkok tak pernah sampai lagik... someday! :)
Max : yeah i love Tom Yam too especially sea food tom yam
Faisal : Tq for visiting..salam perkenalan... i hope someday u akan sampai sana jugak..
dr sri rangga... satu kelas ngan aku masa kat sek men jln cochrane, k.l. wah.. dah jadi doktor ko ye!!
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