Checker's Cafe in Dorsett Regency is a good alternative for a "makan" visit this Ramadhan. Located along Imbi Road in Bukit Bintang area, it offers a very nice various selection of foods and live performance from resident artistes. It is difficult to get a booking at this place if you did not book few days prior but my Facebook friend, Jones Junaizi who is one of the performer there managed to get a table for me , Stefan and Hamdi. It was Stefan's birthday also on the last 16th, we decided to do a little bit of surprise for him. Thanks to Jones for the arrangement.
The decoration of the dining hall was great. The food was rather usual but the best thing about eating here is the live show by the group of 5 entertainers namely Jones himself, the Jangan Ketawa popular comedian., Dee, Linda, Shai and the amazingly talented 10 years old Adik Putri who sounded like a PRO.. You should go and watch and listen to her performance. Even Stefan gave her multiple standing ovation. Adik Putri's voice was phenomenal !!! Trust me ! I have goosebumps when she belted out Beyonce slow number, LISTEN . Watch out for this young talent joining the reality TV singing contest later and she definitely going to win. I'll sms her vote..he he he. She reminded me of the younger version of Mila AF5. Well , Jones is a Perlisian tooo ...
Pictures of food here...yummyyyy....
Yong Tau Fu..............mmmmmmmmm with delicious sauce..
And beef rendang.........
Cakes and desserts..............
Sambal ..................
Another blogger who starts to like the DSLR... he he he u should buy one larrrr ..aiseh...and join the DSLR club.....but he blogs in Chinese..aiyooo tak faham langsung !!!
The cheese birthday cake.... uuuuuuu very nice taste..
Me and the birthday boy...
There you go....makan makan again !!! Better hit the gym and burn extra calories !!!
wah berbuka and menyanyi gitueww :D
sounds fun :D
haiyooo...wa talak tahan la tengok itu sushi...
nak pi makan buffet jugak lah...maybe next week kot...
takper..makan jer selagi bleh..hehe
*ishhhhh duk teringat la nasi lemak yang ko bawaj arituh..tak taw nak cari kat mana...kat penang ni mana ada...huhu
goodness, dude. You are SERIOUSLY living Da Life! Yumminess!
uishh..meriahnya suasana..!
syuk mana boleh gemuk.. kan syuk jadi role model kitorang...
Hmm, with all these buffets, have u actually weighted yourself these days? *winks*
And all i miss during ramadhan is my morning tall mocha which I have on daily basis (except for weekends cos I dont work. Yet I will have it for tea time).
wah meriah bulan ramadhan nie..sentiasa makan kat luar je yea doc!
hi doc..
u have so many frens with different background...nice food, nice place, nice company..seronok yer...
oh...sdap2nya makanan..buat aku menelan air liur...nasib baiklah tgk mlm2..kul 11.15 nih..rasa nak merangkak ke dapur masak pulak..iskkk...
hari2 mkn food bazar ramadan...tapi u tetapp hari2 mkn sedap begitu...jeles aku laa.. u rasa berat bertambah ke??..u better hit the gym...
Budlee :
berbuka tu satu hal....menyanyi tu bila semua orang dah balik ...he he i tak nyanyi ..keluar kat depan ajer ambil gambar.... stefan yang nyanyi lagu raya Melayu sampai 3 lagu and he ssng well too..terkezutt dengar suara dia..NOT BAD .
Axim :
alamak kempunan pulak si Axim dengan nasi lemak tu.. ok gini lah Bro..give me a call lah kalau turun ke KL lagi...i take you to one of the best nasi lemak stall in town..DEAL !!
Letti :
In fact,, i am living it to the fullest.. just wanna be happy each and every day...
Ms B :
yup i gain some weight but not much becasue i am still motivated to hit the gym even in this puasa month.. This year memang buffet buffet and buffet.. he he he
Putubambu :
role model ??mmmm thanks Putu.. tapi sapa jadi role model i pulak ni ? he he he
Zuridah : he he tq..hey hari Ahad do u go ?? jumpa sana nanti.
Catz : yup takkan i nak mix dengan the doctors sahaja CAtz.. sometimes you kena jadi friends to people from diffrent jobs. the discussion lebih menarik kalau from different jobs macam,, accountant , enginneer,pharmacist, property agent,music composer,architect and many many more. Berat badan i rasa tambah sikit tetapi tak banyak laaa.. so kena maintain balik lepas Raya.. he he he
Wah doc! baca dari mula sampai atas semua makanan! Puasa ke pesta makan ni? Hehehe... jangan marah ye... nampak doc pun dah semakin chubby hehehe... boleh buat bantal dah... jangan marah lagi ye...
P/s: Doc tolong explain sikit pasal jus serai di comment post tu... ramai orang macam was² je...
Faisal :
Jus serai kat entry mana ni ?? Tak ingat dah..ker aku tersilap taip..gabra sekejap..dah lah dengan WAS WAS tu...
CHUBBY ??? Arrrrghhh perkataan yang sungguh menakutkan !!! He he he
Jus serai tu betul ke can kill cancer cell doc? Post blog saya lah :P
oic .... yup akan i perjelaskan
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