It is another year end. New resolutions will commence and the challenges in life continue. Things happened over a year period , leaving their momentum for everyone to kick-start the opening of 2011 at a different pace. "Sweet hello and sad goodbye" is a trademark to welcome the new year and as we know it, we age ourselves into another year of self-revolution. Some clueless people will keep on asking why time moves so fast without any mercy for them to correct mistakes made !
ANYWAY ... my 2011 dreams and resolutions are :
1) To start fresh in a fresh environment of the beautiful Kota Kinabalu in cardiology training for my subspeciality and expect myself to be busy than in the year of 2010 !
2) Refrain myself from getting acquinted to anyone and stay focus on my career prospect.
3) Try to appreciate people who do appreciate me.
4) To get more physically fit and lose some more weight.
5) To buy a house and own a property .
I can only manage to plan but there is always a glass or wall that i can break through in order to anticipate what 2011 will bring me...... HAPPY NEW YEAR to ALL ....May 2011 be a good year for everyone..especially to those i really care :)