After our exam results were out, we planned for a paintball challenge for the sake of post exam stress relief...ha ha... Car-pooling to this place in Taman Harmonis , Gombak ,KL, we reached there 30 minutes late than the stipulated time. While waiting for our dearest professor to join us, we performed our Zuhur prayers and later dressed for suitable outfit. Some chose to be commando like in their apparel.
We divided ourselves into 3 groups . This was my group "
WEAPON X" consisting mainly all the medical registrars.
Here are some of the action i took from outside the battlefield. I did not dare to bring my precious DSLR inside because the high-velocity pallets (bullets) might hit my lense.
The need saftey precaution to handle it so that you would not shoot your friends unintentionally.
The safety masks........
For the first game, i took the role as a sniper.... and it wasn't easy because one has to be precise and accurate.
This was how the bruises after getting shot by your opponents.... ouccchhh painful and yet very interesting game that i will definitely say YES for the next challenge.